Walk... For Who?  Do you have questions about life, death, the point of it, the truth of it, why some believe it, reality of spirituality, or other topics like listed below?  Is your heart still beating?  Do you know what happens to "you" when it stops?  Do you know, or doubt, or deny the Bible?  Do you have a general curiosity, question, or goal involving your spirituality or God and His Word?  Walk The Bible is literally for everyone including the non-Christian, new-Christian, renewed-Christian, and the spiritually mature Christian.  God will reveal the Truth of His Word if you simply seek Him by reading about Him.

This topic-by-topic walk through the Bible will help answer all your questions about the truth & reality such as these examples:

What evidence shows the Bible is truth?

♦Why do people still care and trust the Bible?

♦What scientific facts were discovered in the Bible first?

♦What does spiritually dead mean?

♦Why is spirituality dangerous without knowing the true God?

♦Who wrote the Bible, and what's the point?

♦Why does the Bible capitalize Truth & Word?

♦What should I read first or next in the Bible?

♦Why was it impossible to write the Bible without God?

♦What's absolute truth and what's subjective opinion?

♦Where's the internet predicted in the Bible?

♦When and how did God defeat death?

"I was a hard-core atheist till I saw this shocking EVIDENCE. It convinced me that the Bible is inspired by God.  Jesus is now my Lord and my God.

- Robert B, 70 years old

"…it helped me stop doubting God.  I am now sure He is here with me. 

- Ellie P, 8 years old

Walk... What?  Walk The Bible provides FREE access to a library of walks which will take you through the Word of God. Each walk is kept short and can be easily read through.  Written and verified by a collection of Bible focused Church Pastors & mature Christians.  Each walk has a unique theme that keeps each step exciting and uniqueEach walk is densely packed full of scripture.  This is the ONLY way to be sure your walk stays on the right path.  

(1 John 2:6) “He who says he abides in Him ought himself also to walk just as He walked.”

Walk... Where?  Right here.  Walk The Bible will show you where in God's Word you can find the answers to significant and challenging questions.  We provide FREE access digitally online or we can mail you a printed copyJust like God Himself, God's Word comes to you, and leads you on a path that speaks of the truth and the life that is only found in Jesus Christ.  God's salvation is a free gift ready to be received.  So is Walk The Bible's content.

(Psalm 143:8) “…cause me to know the way wherein I should walk; for I lift up my soul unto thee.”

"brought clarity and more understanding of the Word of God...  Jesus is the way, the truth and the life.    - Lydia O

"Although I was raised in a religion, I felt so lost.  But now God gave me purpose and saved me!    - Yazmine B

Walk... When?  Right now.  Everybody knows every journey starts with a first step.  Did you notice what day today is?  Perhaps it's the day you decided to Walk The Bible!  We're excited to be walking this spiritual journey with you.  To get started, we recommend you walk through the "FOUNDATIONS OF FAITH"  described below.  However, if you have specific questions or areas you want to jump ahead to, simply email us and let us know.  We would love to chat and walk along aside you as well.

(Proverbs 13:4)The soul of a lazy man desires, and has nothing; But the soul of the diligent shall be made rich.

Walk... Why Now?  Because it is true that gravity is real and so is death.  And just as the evidence has proven the truth about that, the EVIDENCE inside and outside the Bible proves that the claims made by Jesus Christ are all completely true.  

Did you build the foundation of your belief on rock solid evidence (instead of assumptions, personal feelings/wishes, or what you've heard others say)?  Is the gravity of your belief and trust so strong that you boldly proclaim your love of Christ to everyone?  Did you look at all the documented and externally verified science and facts in (and about) the Bible before you formed your belief?

Do you have the courage to look at all the evidence before you decide?

Do you have the honesty to ask yourself, what if I'm wrong?

150,000 to 300,000 people die each day (as of 2023).  We don't know which day or night will be our last.  Start that walk while you still have the chance.  Review the evidence for yourself then decide for yourself.  

There's a reason the Bible is the world's most popular book of all time.  Jesus made it clear that He is the only way to truth and lifePeople who do not seek the truth, do not find the truth.  However, people who seek the truth through the written and eternal Word of God find it and are set free by it.

(John 14:6) Jesus said to him, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me."

(Matthew 7:7) ...seek, and you will find...”

(John 8:31-32) "And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free"


Foundations of Faith

When constructing a house any builder would know that it is critical to have a rock solid foundation.  We go through great lengths, investing our time, talents and finances into everything from the first floor and up to the very peak of the roof.  But if the foundation is not rock solid and unshakable, all that effort could suffer great loss.  Our faith in God and His Word is no different.  It too must be rock solid.  Look at how our Lord Jesus put it;

(Matthew 7:24-27 NKJV), “Therefore whoever hears these sayings of Mine, and does them, I will liken him to a wise man who built his house on the rock: and the rain descended, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house; and it did not fall, for it was founded on the rock. But everyone who hears these sayings of Mine, and does not do them, will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand: and the rain descended, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house; and it fell. And great was its fall.” 

As we see the coming of our Lord’s return drawing ever so near, God’s Word warns that there will be strong deception and a great falling away (2 Thessalonians 2:3-10).  God never called us to believe in Him by “blind faith”, but rather a faith that is built upon unshakable ROCK SOLID EVIDENCE!


If you don't have faith in anything, or your faith has been shaken by doubt, or you just simply want to reinforce and be encouraged in your love and trust in God and His Word, then FOUNDATIONS OF FAITH is for you.  If you have never come to put your complete trust in the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ and His Word, and you sincerely want to, but something is yearning inside your heart for evidence that God has given for us today, then FOUNDATIONS OF FAITH is for you.  May God richly guide and bless you through this amazing journey!

"It opened my eyes...  I want to walk with Him!  Foundations of Faith led me to be baptized.  - Yazmine B

"how Foundations of Faith explained the Bible, has helped me understand the life of Jesus and get closer to Him.    - Edwin O

Got Questions?
We'd love to help.  Simply email TalkToSomeone@WalkTheBible.com and one of our team members will reply directly from their own personal email address.

Walk... Which Way?

Like David who wrote Psalm 143, do you wonder which way you should walk?  

(Psalm 143:8) “…cause me to know the way wherein I should walk; for I lift up my soul unto thee.”

With all the confusion in our day and age, what does it really mean to walk with God?  Where can you go to find help and encouragement to achieve such a close and trusting walk with God like Enoch did?

(Genesis 5:24) “And Enoch walked with God...”

Walk The Bible was created to be help encourage you through a close look at the Word of God;

• Walk The Bible is saturated with the Word of God as preserved in the Holy Bible.  You will quickly find that we are not that interested in what “this man said, or that man has said”, but rather, what God said!

• Walk The Bible motivates you to not only learn, but apply God’s Word to the choices you make and the desires in your heart.  

• Information without transformation is meaningless. Walk the Bible strives for you to walk in the fear, deep love and yearning of a holy walk with your Creator, the Lord Jesus Christ.

• Walk The Bible takes you on a journey through the entire Word of God by a relevant and meaningful pattern.  It begins with building your faith in God’s Word on an unshakable rock solid foundation that God intended it to be built upon.  Then from there, you will travel through four different stages, each one having a unique theme that keeps each step of your walk exciting and unique.

No matter where your starting point is, the right direction to head in is to walk through the FOUNDATIONS OF FAITH.  

Click HERE to start your walk right now.


"God pointed me in this direction for a reason...  I'm so glad I continued walking and found out why!    - Jamie F

Walk... What's After That?

We suggest beginning with the FOUNDATIONS OF FAITH as explained above (click here).  After that you will continue to Walk The Bible through the "Diamond Series".  It consists of the following four bases

First Base

This section of your Walk The Bible journey is designed to help you understand what it truly means to have a relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ and what salvation is all about. God’s desire is to enjoy an eternity in love and fellowship with you but in order for that to happen, you must first come to the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation.


Second Base

Once you begin a relationship with the Lord it is necessary for you to understand basic truths and principles that would strengthen your walk with Him. This portion of your walk shows you what Jesus wants you rooted and grounded in so that your love for Him will remain when life’s evils and temptations will come and try to take it away.


Third Base

This section of your walk was created to encourage you to discover your abilities that you have which you can use to serve the Lord. It also shows you how richly and wonderfully the Lord is going to reward those who faithfully serve Him.


Fourth Base

Now that you have begun a new life with Christ and are grounded in the “milk” of the Word of God, base four brings you on a journey through the “meat” of God’s Word. Here you will learn all the necessary important doctrines of the Bible that will build you up to be a strong “soldier” of His to fight the good fight of faith.

Ready for the Diamond Series?
Simply email TalkToSomeone@WalkTheBible.com and let us know.  

One of our team members will reply direct to you from their own personal email.

Please come back soon to see the new section we are working on.

We are honored to be involved in your walk with God.